„I have been beaten, abused and oppressed… I got controlled all the time, I got insulted, threatened, raped and blackmailed.… I lived isolated from my relatives and friends. I did not get any (household) allowances…
I live in fear!
What can you do?
Get in touch with the Women’s Shelter!
You can call the Women’s Shelter (Frauenhaus Innviertel) all around-the-clock under the following number: 07752/71733. You will receive support and advice from the socialworkers.
- You will get accommodation for you and your children thus you will have a safe place to stay.
- There is always someone around to listen to you. All the information given will be handled anonymously.
- You will receive free counselling and advice concerning legal and educational issues like divorce/ separation and you will get support for following up your rights or financial demands
- The socialworkers will support you with your search for a new accommodation/flat and will accompany you to public authorities and offices.
- You will be responsible yourself for the care of your children and daily arrangements while living in the Women’s Shelter.
- You can stay in the Women’s Shelter up to one year and you can come back again any time.
- You can leave the Women’s Shelter anytime.